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A new section has also been set up to continue the societies work in the erection of aircrew memorials, along with our project to Save The Finmere Tower which will also serve as a permanent memorial.
For details of how you can help with these projects, please visit Aircrew Remembrance Memorials Society (ARMS) here at ARMS Home.
Society memorial erected to missing airman Werner Walter 26th September 2015.
More details relating to memorial Here and full loss details Here
Two R.A.F. Aircrew "missing" for over 67 years are finally buried in the Netherlands. The Aircrew Remembrance Society are honoured to have assisted with the research to enable our friends the “Dare” group in Holland in making this happen for the family this Hampden crew left behind.
All of our aviation archaeology excavations are carried out with the proper permissions as requested by the Ministry of Defence. It is not without hours of extensive research and gathering of information from, archives and eye-witnesses that an excavation can be carried out. The Aircrew Remembrance Society has a proud record of leaving the land in an "as found" state after a particular recovery is completed. We are particularly thankful to the co-operation of landowners that makes a recovery possible. It is vital that an effort is made now to accurately record these events before the stories are lost forever.
The Aircrew Remembrance Society carries out all it's excavations in a safe and professional manor and according to the law.
Occasionally a local Archaeology Group is invited to take part and in most instances some representative parts are left for display at institutes within the local area of a particular recovery. Each investigation we undertake is fully researched before hand, with this stage complete it is then possible to begin the long process of locating the exact point of impact. Once an approximate area is located we then call in the deep searching equipment which locates any buried wreckage to within a few inches, this prevents any unnecessary digging and keeps disturbance to a minimum.
With this having been achieved the team will then begin the process of gaining permissions. Once these permissions are in place, it is then possible to carry out the excavation which is normally spread over a long weekend. As soon as parts begin to emerge preservation techniques are deployed to prevent paint from flaking and steel items rusting. Once the parts are safely back with the Society, the laborious process of identification, preservation and cleaning of the artefacts can be carried out. With this vital work completed the parts are then labelled and displayed within a local museum for public display along with the story and history surrounding the parts.
Engine badge and personal items recovered from ”Messerschmitt Bf 109” crash site, later donated to us from the pilot's family.
The Ministry of Defence has instituted a scheme of Licences, which they grant upon a request from a recovery group or museum. All crash sites in the UK are protected by the Protection of Military Remains Act and it is illegal to recover aircraft parts without a MOD License. This act prevents individuals interfering with any military remains without proper MOD permission.
For more details of this law please see the various archaeology sections.
IMAGES/DOCUMENTS: All images and documents used by the Aircrew Remembrance Society are available to our readers on condition that they are used for non-profit and prior permission is requested and granted by us and that the Aircrew Remembrance Society is quoted as the source.
Where the source or copyright of photographs is clear, this has been indicated beneath the photo. The Aircrew Remembrance Society is however also indebted to thousands of individuals, who over the last 40 years have contributed photos of loved ones to our archive, for which it has not been possible to determine the true provenance. All photos are reproduced here in memory of the fallen, if you are able to prove provenance of any photos reproduced here, they will of course be credited accordingly, or withdrawn at your request.
If you would like to sign our Guestbook it can be found HERE
The British Library is preserving this site for the future in the UK Web Archive at www.webarchive.org.uk All Aircrew Remembered on our Remembrance pages, are therefor not just remembered here, but also subsequently remembered and recorded as part of our nation’s history
and heritage at The British Library.